4 & 5 Year Olds Class

All of our children enjoy time together with other age groups and separate in our individualized learning classrooms!

Meet the Teacher!

Our four and five-year-olds have the pleasure to be taught by:

Miriam Temsamani

Hi, my name is Miriam, and I'm

excited to be teaching the 4 and 5

year-olds here at Agape Preschool.

We are going to be having a fun-filled

year. I want to know all about you,

but first Iā€™m going to share a few

things about me. I have a bachelor's

degree and over ten years

experience in education. I have

enjoyed creating and maintaining

classroom environments that are

nurturing and stimulating, I do so

using elements from nature to create

indoor/ outdoor natural play spaces

that promote student learning. I have

also incorporated a mindfulness

program that aims to empower and

build children confidence while

teaching them good values, prayer, and

promoting progress in all areas of

their development. On a personal

note, I love spending time at the

beach and in nature as well as with

family, friends, and animals. I enjoy

taking part in performing arts and

watching good movies too. I'm

looking forward to working together

with you, as a team, in your children's

growth and development


3 Year Olds


Teacher Aides