About Us

Hi, my name is Dawnna Pfarr and I am the Preschool Director of Agape Preschool in San Luis Obispo. After discovering the overwhelming need of our community for childcare in a safe and uplifting environment, we launched Agape Preschool in August of 2023. With my years of experience running a preschool, and a passion for leading children and families to Christ, we have developed a truly impactful experience for our children and families that is unashamedly faith-based. Teamed up with our top-notch teachers and supportive classroom aides, we can confidently say that we offer families education with heart!

Full Time Care

  • M-F (7am-6pm) $1290 per month

Part-Time Care

  • MWF (7am-6pm) $915 per month

  • TTh (7am-6pm) $665 per month

*The annual enrollment fee is $150, $100 for each additional child, charged annually in July

Our mission is to impact children and their families for Christ by loving God in front of children and loving children in front of God.

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

— Matthew 19:14

Start the adventure today.